I had a hard day, but then I watched the last half of Clerks II and like magic, I was happy. This clip made me smile and so I felt obliged to share. Enjoy!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Paper Bag Press Wants Submissions - "We Only Discriminate Against Bad Writing!"
A friend told me that this erotica ebooks site is looking for submissions, so I went to their site and thought they were great, so I decided to post it! That, and the site struck me as having a wonderful sense of humor and as I looked through the site, I couldn't stop laughing. Who knows? Perhaps one day there'll be an update stating that I have a new short story available to buy. It can't hurt to give it a try! I posted their submissions page and then a couple of answers from their FAQ. Yay for equal opportunity, totally consensual porn!!!
Call For Submissions!We at Paper Bag Press are looking for the highest-quality erotic short stories on the planet. Our official storefront, located at paper-bag-press.com, made its debut on February 14, 2009. We are always looking for more quality e-books. That's where you come in.
We are seeking new or established authors for exclusive publication. We want writers who can craft a short story with a strong plot that revolves around sexual experience. The stories are not necessarily romantic — the sex is the focus. If the characters are in luuurv, that’s fine, as long as the sex is hot.
We know that you are taking a chance on us since we are new. Because of this, we are offering a 5% royalty bonus beyond our normal royalty rate of 30% for the first 25 stories that are accepted for publication.
All kinds of stories are being considered, including:
If you have an erotic story that you'd like to us to consider for publication, go to the Submit Your Story page to tell us about it! We are seeking stories from 1,000 to 15,000 words. However, we are not draconian about the word count. These are just guidelines and not strict observance.
We are strict about what we will not accept:
•Pedophilia — all characters involved in sexual situations will be 18 years old or older.
•Bestiality — no humans having sex with animals.
•Rape — absolutely not allowed. All sex must be consensual.
•Toilet issues — must we go there? The answer is no.
•Physical abuse as titillation — again, the sex must be consensual. No characters harming each other within the sexual framework (no snuff, no stabbing, none of that). In BDSM, it must be made clear that the people involved have consented and are enjoying themselves.
•Necrophilia — again, must we go there? The answer is still no.
•Incest — once again, must we go there? The answer is absolutely, unequivocally no.
Other than that, we are an equal opportunity smut peddler.
Please read our Submissions FAQ for more information. Questions? Drop us a line.
Ready to submit your story? Complete the Submit Your Story form. Your story should be in Microsoft Word (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf), size 12 font, double-spaced.
Have fun writing!
Further Content Clarification from the FAQ
My story is about transgendered folks. I don't see that as an option. Are you interested in stories like this?
Yes, we are interested in all sorts of stories. Our submissions page outlines what we absolutely will not accept. Everything else is under consideration. We do not discriminate against a story if it is about GLBTQ folks at all. We only discriminate against bad writing. If we should contract an author for a story, and we don't have a genre listing particular to it, we will create one.
How "raw" are you looking for, regarding description of sex? I don't want to write porn, but I would be okay with a "hard R" or a "soft X."
We are looking for "soft X" to "hard XXX." We want you to write porn. We expect to see the following words: cock, dick, penis, pussy, cunt, vagina, cream, lick, suck, fuck, ass, asshole, anus, orgasm, come, cum, slide, ride, and squirt. And/or many more words, for that matter. If you are not comfortable reading that list, then your writing is probably not for us. If that list makes you laugh and think, "Yeah, that's my writing!" then please, submit it. (I DID laugh!!!)
Does the story I'm submitting have to be previously unpublished?
Yes. We are interested in first rights to your story. If your story was published online in your blog or a friend's blog, on a friend's website, in a magazine, in a newspaper, or book, in a podcast, or in any other way made available to the public, then it is considered "previously published." If you had your writing group read and critique the story, that does not count as being published.
Call For Submissions!We at Paper Bag Press are looking for the highest-quality erotic short stories on the planet. Our official storefront, located at paper-bag-press.com, made its debut on February 14, 2009. We are always looking for more quality e-books. That's where you come in.
We are seeking new or established authors for exclusive publication. We want writers who can craft a short story with a strong plot that revolves around sexual experience. The stories are not necessarily romantic — the sex is the focus. If the characters are in luuurv, that’s fine, as long as the sex is hot.
We know that you are taking a chance on us since we are new. Because of this, we are offering a 5% royalty bonus beyond our normal royalty rate of 30% for the first 25 stories that are accepted for publication.
All kinds of stories are being considered, including:
If you have an erotic story that you'd like to us to consider for publication, go to the Submit Your Story page to tell us about it! We are seeking stories from 1,000 to 15,000 words. However, we are not draconian about the word count. These are just guidelines and not strict observance.
We are strict about what we will not accept:
•Pedophilia — all characters involved in sexual situations will be 18 years old or older.
•Bestiality — no humans having sex with animals.
•Rape — absolutely not allowed. All sex must be consensual.
•Toilet issues — must we go there? The answer is no.
•Physical abuse as titillation — again, the sex must be consensual. No characters harming each other within the sexual framework (no snuff, no stabbing, none of that). In BDSM, it must be made clear that the people involved have consented and are enjoying themselves.
•Necrophilia — again, must we go there? The answer is still no.
•Incest — once again, must we go there? The answer is absolutely, unequivocally no.
Other than that, we are an equal opportunity smut peddler.
Please read our Submissions FAQ for more information. Questions? Drop us a line.
Ready to submit your story? Complete the Submit Your Story form. Your story should be in Microsoft Word (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf), size 12 font, double-spaced.
Have fun writing!
Further Content Clarification from the FAQ
My story is about transgendered folks. I don't see that as an option. Are you interested in stories like this?
Yes, we are interested in all sorts of stories. Our submissions page outlines what we absolutely will not accept. Everything else is under consideration. We do not discriminate against a story if it is about GLBTQ folks at all. We only discriminate against bad writing. If we should contract an author for a story, and we don't have a genre listing particular to it, we will create one.
How "raw" are you looking for, regarding description of sex? I don't want to write porn, but I would be okay with a "hard R" or a "soft X."
We are looking for "soft X" to "hard XXX." We want you to write porn. We expect to see the following words: cock, dick, penis, pussy, cunt, vagina, cream, lick, suck, fuck, ass, asshole, anus, orgasm, come, cum, slide, ride, and squirt. And/or many more words, for that matter. If you are not comfortable reading that list, then your writing is probably not for us. If that list makes you laugh and think, "Yeah, that's my writing!" then please, submit it. (I DID laugh!!!)
Does the story I'm submitting have to be previously unpublished?
Yes. We are interested in first rights to your story. If your story was published online in your blog or a friend's blog, on a friend's website, in a magazine, in a newspaper, or book, in a podcast, or in any other way made available to the public, then it is considered "previously published." If you had your writing group read and critique the story, that does not count as being published.
consensual sex,
paper bag press,
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
It's That Time Again! - Menorrhagia and a Plug for NuvaRing

It's that time again-my period's here! Thrilling....
Hopefully, this will be one of my last months to have a period, at least for a while, because when I see my doctor in a few weeks, I'm going to request to start using NuvaRing again. I've used it before and loved it-I got off it, because I started having hot flashes and my doctor wasn't sure if it was caused by the new birth control or not, but we have determined that it is not, so NuvaRing, here I come!

(If you click on the image, you can print out a coupon!!!)
The reason for my enthusaism is twofold:
1. I can never remember to take "the pill" and why pay for it, if I cannot remember to take it in the first place? The benefit to NuvaRing is that you only have to remember to put one in once a month! The commercials advertise this benefit, but here's what they don't tell you:
2. If you keep the birth control in for the thirty days, instead of taking it out for your period, and then having to remember to put another in afterwards, you will STOP getting your period!!! Hallelujah!!!
This is what I choose to do and it is this fact that was my deciding factor for starting NuvaRing in the first place. Why? I have incredibly heavy periods, or Menorrhagia, which can be stressful and sometimes painful. My very heavy periods often require me to use both tampons and pads at the same time and with my periods being chronically irregular, when I am out in public, forgetting to have some "protection" with me, i.e. a feminine hygiene product, means that when I discover that I am menstruating, I am on a mad dash to procur the necessary supplies and amount of supplies - super plus, please! - before time runs out and my underwear is soaking red. Not pleasant.
I have yearned to get rid of my periods ever since I decided that my chronic illnesses are too severe for me to try to have children naturally. For womyn who deal with menorrhagia, there is a relatively new procedure, called Her Option®. Her Option® Office Cryoablation Therapy is a safe and effective ablation procedure that uses sub-zero temperatures (cryoablation) to reduce your heavy periods to normal levels. The cold temperatures destroy the endometrium. With the endometrium reduced or eliminated, there’s less tissue to shed each period. I have a friend who's mother had this procedure done and apparently her mother is incredibly happy with the results. Her Option also is a form of sterilization, so it should be considered carefully. I would love to get it done, but it is expensive and I do not have health insurance, and even if I did, most health insurance companies view these kinds of procedures as frivolous, mainly because health insurance companies work for the patriarchy.
So hopefully soon I will be happy and healthy using NuvaRing. And in case you're wondering, using any birth control method in order to miss your period does NOT harm your ability to reproduce! Once you stop taking whatever form of birth control you do, your period should come back and you will once again be ready to reproduce...that is, if you so choose.
heavy periods,
Her Option,
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Challenge the Culture of Fear-Write a Letter to Reduce Shifa Sadequee's Sentence!!
Friday, September 11, 8:00-9:30pm at Charis Books & More
Since 9/11 there has been an increase of Islamophobia and the targeting of Muslim communities globally and here in our own local community. Almost a decade later, Shifa Sadequee, a US citizen and resident of Atlanta, was convicted and faces over 60years in federal prison for a crime he did not commit. Join activists and Shifa supporters to write letters & get updates about Shifa's case. Help reach the goal of sending 1,000 personal letters to Judge Duffy, urging him to reduce the sentencing! Letter writing supplies will be provided. Please contact freeshifa@gmail.com for more info.
Since 9/11 there has been an increase of Islamophobia and the targeting of Muslim communities globally and here in our own local community. Almost a decade later, Shifa Sadequee, a US citizen and resident of Atlanta, was convicted and faces over 60years in federal prison for a crime he did not commit. Join activists and Shifa supporters to write letters & get updates about Shifa's case. Help reach the goal of sending 1,000 personal letters to Judge Duffy, urging him to reduce the sentencing! Letter writing supplies will be provided. Please contact freeshifa@gmail.com for more info.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
NAMI GA's Family to Family Class Needs YOU!!!
The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Georgia is offering the Family-to-Family Education Program at the offices of the Dream Center of Walton – Gwinnett starting Monday, September 14 at 7:00 p.m. and running for 11 consecutive weeks for 2 and ½ hours each Monday night.
The Dream Center Offices are located at:
109 Lee Byrd Rd
Loganville, Ga. 30052
The NAMI Family-to-Family Education Program is a free, 11-week course for family, friends, loved ones and caregivers of individuals with severe mental illnesses.
● The course is taught by trained family members
● All instruction and course materials are free to class participants
● Over 115,000 family members have graduated from this national program
Call or e-mail Brenda Vinson to register
678-231-6263 or 770-338-0468
Class size is limited so register now!
Check our website for more information
Currently NAMI only has two people signed up to take it and if ten more people do not register soon, then the class will be canceled! Learning about mental illness and how to help yourself and your family member is one of the most important things you can do, plus the class is free, so please do not hesitate to sign-up! And feel free to let others know about the class.
The Dream Center Offices are located at:
109 Lee Byrd Rd
Loganville, Ga. 30052
The NAMI Family-to-Family Education Program is a free, 11-week course for family, friends, loved ones and caregivers of individuals with severe mental illnesses.
● The course is taught by trained family members
● All instruction and course materials are free to class participants
● Over 115,000 family members have graduated from this national program
Call or e-mail Brenda Vinson to register
678-231-6263 or 770-338-0468
Class size is limited so register now!
Check our website for more information
Currently NAMI only has two people signed up to take it and if ten more people do not register soon, then the class will be canceled! Learning about mental illness and how to help yourself and your family member is one of the most important things you can do, plus the class is free, so please do not hesitate to sign-up! And feel free to let others know about the class.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Strength in Vulnerability
We don't always have to be strong. Sometimes, our strength is expressed in being vulnerable. Sometimes, we need to fall apart to regroup and stay on track.
We all have days when we cannot push any harder, cannot hold back self-doubt, cannot stop focusing on fear, cannot be strong.
There are days when we cannot focus on being responsible. Occasionally we don't want to get out of our pajamas. Sometimes, we cry in front of people. We expose our tiredness, irritability, or anger.
Those days are okay. They are just okay.
Part of taking care of ourselves means we give ourselves permission to "fall apart" when we need to. We do not have to be perpetual towers of strength.. We are strong. We have proven that. Our strength will continue if we allow ourselves the courage to feel scared, weak, and vulnerable when we need to experience those feelings.
Today, God, help me to know that it is okay to allow myself to be human. Help me not to feel guilty or punish myself when I need to "fall apart."
From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie ©1990
We all have days when we cannot push any harder, cannot hold back self-doubt, cannot stop focusing on fear, cannot be strong.
There are days when we cannot focus on being responsible. Occasionally we don't want to get out of our pajamas. Sometimes, we cry in front of people. We expose our tiredness, irritability, or anger.
Those days are okay. They are just okay.
Part of taking care of ourselves means we give ourselves permission to "fall apart" when we need to. We do not have to be perpetual towers of strength.. We are strong. We have proven that. Our strength will continue if we allow ourselves the courage to feel scared, weak, and vulnerable when we need to experience those feelings.
Today, God, help me to know that it is okay to allow myself to be human. Help me not to feel guilty or punish myself when I need to "fall apart."
From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie ©1990
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Identifying Anger and Expressing It Appropriately

Anger is a major problem for many people. Some of us boil at the freezing point and some of us freeze at the boiling point.
Identifying anger and using it appropriately is something we didn't learn as children. We were preoccupied with trying to maneuver through the minefield in our homes.
We need to understand why we substitute anger for hurt, or why anger turns into self-hate or self-pity, or why we think we are terrible people if we feel this forbidden emotion.
I am relearning attitudes about anger. I can learn to express it appropriately.
by Mitzi Chandler. copyright 1989
healthy anger,
identifying anger,
Mitzi Chandler
Dear Angela - A Request to Quit Blow

Dear Angela,
It is with love
That I hold my heart
From you.
And it is most certainly
With pain each day that I keep
My heart hidden from view.
But I must.
For you are not acting
In love
In kindness
Anything even resembling
Your own true self.
I cannot let cocaine steal
My heart, my friends, my life.
I cannot let it destroy me
Like it has destroyed you!
And so I wait.
I wait for the day
When you return to me
Drug and drunk FREE.
I wait for the day
I discover that you opted
Instead to come home to heaven.
Either way,
I am heartbroken
And sad
That you do not consider
My love and friendship-
And that of your two
Beautiful boys-
To be enough to keep you away
From the tortuous trip down cocaine lane.
National Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month
This month is National Alcohol & Drug Recovery Month. If you click on the widget to the right, then it'll take you to a page full of resources for those seeking recovery from alcohol or drug abuse and all the events, not just for the month, but for the year, that celebrate recovery. Here are the events going on this week:
Brown-Bag Roundtable Discussion GU 09/03/2009 12:00 PM - 09/03/2009 1:00 PM
Facilitated by the Pacific Daily News in which treatment providers, individuals in recovery and family members discuss various aspects of treatment and recovery. This session leads to the submittal of articles for the editorial section of the Sunday News.
Recovery Month Kick-Off Carnival! FL 09/03/2009 3:00 PM - 09/03/2009 7:00 PM
A fun-filled afternoon to begin the celebration of National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Month by bringing together families, recovering individuals and community resources. We will have great food catered by Tastebuds, carnival games, prizes and several bouncees for adults and children. Door prizes and drawings will feature recovery related items. Come join us!
The Art of Recovery - Gallery Show - Juneau AK 09/04/2009 5:00 PM - 09/04/2009 7:00 PM
The "Art of Recovery" show invites people in recovery to create art for a public showing. The pieces can be paintings, drawings, pastels, charcoal, sculptures, or other media. Contributors should be people in recovery from addiction disorders and/or mental illness. Artists can be professionals or amateurs. Pieces are inspired by recovery and reflect a celebration of recovery, rather than a reliving of the addiction or mental illness.
Serenity Walk GU 09/05/2009 5:30 AM - 09/05/2009 9:00 AM
A free event that takes place along the coastline where treatment providers, individuals in recovery and family members partake in a group walk promoting recovery of the mind, body and spirit. Light refreshments and t-shirts promoting recovery month will be provided for free.
4th Annual Ohio Recovery Ride OH 09/05/2009 10:00 AM - 09/05/2009 6:00 PM
Pep Rally begins at 10:00 am with onsite radio personalities and live broadcasting. The Ride is approx. a 2hr. run. Non-riders will visit the zoo and enjoy the pinic and playground area while the ride is taking place. When the riders return the program begins with a speaker,public officals and Dr.Westley Clark, Director of the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment under the Substance Abuse and mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Food, fun and fellowship to follow.
Niagara Rally for Recovery NY 09/05/2009 12:00 PM - 09/05/2009 5:00 PM
A recovery rally and picnic at Oppenheim County Park
Celebrate Recovery Month with the Washington Nationals DC 09/06/2009 1:30 PM - 09/06/2009 5:00 PM
In celebration of Recovery Month the Washington DC recovering community will gather for an afternoon of baseball at National's Park in Washington DC
Brown-Bag Roundtable Discussion GU 09/03/2009 12:00 PM - 09/03/2009 1:00 PM
Facilitated by the Pacific Daily News in which treatment providers, individuals in recovery and family members discuss various aspects of treatment and recovery. This session leads to the submittal of articles for the editorial section of the Sunday News.
Recovery Month Kick-Off Carnival! FL 09/03/2009 3:00 PM - 09/03/2009 7:00 PM
A fun-filled afternoon to begin the celebration of National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Month by bringing together families, recovering individuals and community resources. We will have great food catered by Tastebuds, carnival games, prizes and several bouncees for adults and children. Door prizes and drawings will feature recovery related items. Come join us!
The Art of Recovery - Gallery Show - Juneau AK 09/04/2009 5:00 PM - 09/04/2009 7:00 PM
The "Art of Recovery" show invites people in recovery to create art for a public showing. The pieces can be paintings, drawings, pastels, charcoal, sculptures, or other media. Contributors should be people in recovery from addiction disorders and/or mental illness. Artists can be professionals or amateurs. Pieces are inspired by recovery and reflect a celebration of recovery, rather than a reliving of the addiction or mental illness.
Serenity Walk GU 09/05/2009 5:30 AM - 09/05/2009 9:00 AM
A free event that takes place along the coastline where treatment providers, individuals in recovery and family members partake in a group walk promoting recovery of the mind, body and spirit. Light refreshments and t-shirts promoting recovery month will be provided for free.
4th Annual Ohio Recovery Ride OH 09/05/2009 10:00 AM - 09/05/2009 6:00 PM
Pep Rally begins at 10:00 am with onsite radio personalities and live broadcasting. The Ride is approx. a 2hr. run. Non-riders will visit the zoo and enjoy the pinic and playground area while the ride is taking place. When the riders return the program begins with a speaker,public officals and Dr.Westley Clark, Director of the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment under the Substance Abuse and mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Food, fun and fellowship to follow.
Niagara Rally for Recovery NY 09/05/2009 12:00 PM - 09/05/2009 5:00 PM
A recovery rally and picnic at Oppenheim County Park
Celebrate Recovery Month with the Washington Nationals DC 09/06/2009 1:30 PM - 09/06/2009 5:00 PM
In celebration of Recovery Month the Washington DC recovering community will gather for an afternoon of baseball at National's Park in Washington DC
Pendulum Swingers by Indigo GIrls
Sorry, not feeling well, so can't write great articles today or maybe a while, we'll see... But, for your viewing pleasure, may I present you a video of "Pendulum Swingers" by Indigo Girls? Quite inspiring, I'd say!
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